Coordination & Core


This has become the most important part of this website: Coordination. Good coordination skills enable the body to achieve any objective very quickly.

Good coordination is the optimal use of mutual relationships between different parts of the body to easily and expressively (in rhythm) perform technically difficult movements.

The smooth movements of an athlete illustrate how the human brain regulates the hundreds of muscles in the body. In order to perform these complex series of actions, the human brain has developed a complex control and guidance system that is something like a home computer.

Each movement requires muscles that contract and muscles that relax. Others remain contracted to stabilise the body. The process whereby all muscles are controlled simultaneously is called coordination.


The core is the most important part of the body in terms of strength and stability. This is where all the power of the body starts from. In addition to its role in the development of power, the core also lays the foundations for all movements of the arms and legs. A strong core provides the necessary dynamic flexibility and support to the body, to maximise the effects of movement..

When we talk about the core, we’re talking about more than one muscle group. This important part of the body consists of a combination of agonists and antagonists working together to perform movements and maintain stability in all three dimensional planes.