Fine motor skills, body, time- & space perception
Stimulation of these skills is often overlooked, but the perception of a space, for example by learning what is in front and behind through play and moments of movement and having the opportunity to work on this functionally with the body, is invaluable for the trainee.
Equilibrium vs. balance
Eye-hand coordination
Eye-foot coordination
Reaction vs. speed
Body perception or the awareness of our body with all its components is an important condition for being able to move purposefully and in a controlled manner.
Time perception or being aware that one can split up movement into a rhythm in time – there is a rhythm in every movement: preloading and unloading
Space perception or knowing what the concepts of space mean (front, back, between, below, on, next to, left, right, diagonal)
Lateralisation also comes to play here. It is very important that the trainee develop a consistent preferred side. Balance training can help with this. This allows you to work on movement integration or cooperation between the two halves of the brain.
Functional training must necessarily address three aspects, namely stability, training according to the myofascial lines and the preloading and unloading of muscles.